These are not 'older people' apparently. Well one is, but she doesn't look it. Today's guests are people who co-ordinate Happy Older People Network for Liverpool Museums, plus comedian, Sam Avery (from The Comedy Trust).
Richard offered a presentation about Elder Clowning - a serious talk; and then KZ introduced his language restoration system. We managed to keep it sensible but Zoom is always improvised, right? If it is going to hold attention and stop those eyes drifting to the clock in the corner of the screen, then it will need to get a bit sharper. Still, things are coming into focus: especially the clown exit. Clown acts are usually expelled. They are not in the proper place to start with. Like children who are sent to bed, clowns are often seen trying to sneak back in. Ideally this should be like a living giggle: irrepressible.
Zoom flattens things, but this is a start and we're going to build on this.
We are also experimenting with transitions from Kurt to Richard. Immersive Theatre/Method acting, even fearless Sacha Baron Cohen draws a thick line between self and persona. Kurt gets in a muddle with it here. But actually, as the clown is not an actor, this gap/space is exactly where we can find some fruitful material. This material will, I hope lift us out and into some larger scale ideas. How far could Kurt go with his persona? He could get tangled in nettles, so he'd better be careful.
We are still learning the etiquette, but Zoom exposes everything. Aside from 'bombing' it is a very polite space - that's why leaving Zoom suddenly and inevitably can feel so shameful and disappointing, like a Sudden Death in a video game.