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Chapters in books


Talbot, R. 'Experiments In Therapeutic Participatory Theatre In Virtual Spaces Using Clowning And Puppetry' in Theatrical Experimentation and Technological Development/Ettagriib El-Massrahi wa Ettatowar Ettiknoloji. ElGezira: Proceedings of the CIFET Conference (29) Sept, 2022 pp50-58.


Talbot, RJ  and Dormann, C (2022) Teleplay: Approaches to Virtual clowning for Dementia Care' , in: The Practical Handbook of Dementia, PCCS Books, Monmouth. 


Talbot, RJ  and Dormann, C. 'Hat Snap' in Postlethwaite, L (2021) Treasury of Arts Activities for Older People: Volume 2 (Baring Foundation/Small Things)


Talbot, RJ and King, B. (2014, 2020) ‘Clown Ethnography: An Experiment In Long Distance Comic Failure.’ in The Routledge Comedy Studies Reader. London: Routledge


Talbot, RJ  2019, 'Reflections on The Eradication of Schizophrenia in Western Lapland : a conversation between David Woods and Jon Haynes of Ridiculusmus with commentary by Richard Talbot' , in: Performing Psychologies : Imagination, Creativity and Dramas of the Mind , Bloomsbury, London, pp. 167-187.

Talbot, R J* & Andrews, N  (2011) “Triangle's Immersive Museum Theatre: performativity, historical interpretation and research in-role” In Jackson, A & Kidd, J (eds.), Performing Heritage. Research, Practice and Innovation in Museum Theatre and Live Interpretation. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719081599. The paperback edition is due out 2013.
Frieze, J (ed.) (2017) ‘She Wants You To Kiss Her - Negotiating Risk In The Immersive Performance Contract’ in Reframing Immersive Theatre: The Politics and Pragmatics of Participatory Performance. Oxford: Palgrave.
Talbot, R (2016) Give Me Your Love (Introduction to Playscript by Ridiculusmus) London: Oberon Books
Published Articles in refereed journals


Ian Wilkie & Richard Talbot (2023) 37 Funny fragments: the UoS Comedy and Performance Art Project assemblage, Comedy Studies, 14:2, 247-262, DOI: 10.1080/2040610X.2023.2188834


Talbot, RJ  2018, ''It blows my mind' : intoxicated performances by Ridiculusmus' , Performance Research Journal, 22 (6) , pp. 83-92.
Talbot, R. ‘Devising Ridiculusmus Total Football: A Schematic Reading Of Performance Process’ in Studies in Theatre & Performance. Oxford: Routledge. Vol 24 Issue 2 (2014). Online: [Accessed 30 June 2014]
Learning to Act Like a Nurse. Education in a Changing Environment Conference, University of Salford 6-8th July 2011.  Shortlisted for the Elsevier Best Paper in Healthcare education prize.

Selected Conference Papers


Experiments In Therapeutic Participatory Theatre In Virtual Spaces Using Clowning And Puppetry.

September 2022. Cairo International Experimental Theatre Festival Conference: Theatrical Experimentation and Technological Development, Opera House, Zamalek, Cairo 


Café Delay: Spaces of Translation on Zoom with Older Amateur Performers 
12 - 16 July 2021, International Festival of Theatre Research: 'Theatre Ecologies: Environment, Sustainability and Politics', Translation, Adaptation, and Dramaturgy Panel Galway Ireland and Online due to Covid pandemic.


Japan Somewhere: Transcultural Popular Comedy on Youtube.

6-10 September 2021, Theatre and Performance Research Association Conference. ‘Popular Performance: Adaptation, Evolution and Survival',  Popular Performance Working Group, Liverpool Hope University 



10th March 2022, Japanese Comedy Symposium, 10th March 2022, University of Salford


Spot the Difference - Post the Sameness: Experiments in Virtual Clowning. 
25-29 June 2018,  'Humour: positively (?) transforming' Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia.

Other e.g. DVD-ROM/Web Resources/Manuals/Performances


Talbot, RJ  2020, The Clown Who Lost His Memory : the life and times of Irving Pollard [Show/Exhibition]. 


Bric-a-Brac (2013) & The Felt Hat (2014) Performances and Workshops in the area of Memory, Isolation and Devised Performance with and by Older People, Bollington Community Centre, Macclesfield, Cheshire.
Producer: Between You & Me The Lowry/Ordsall Hall, 20-21st October 2012. See Book chapter below.
Talbot, R and Carran Waterfield. Triangle’s Work In Times of War. DVD-Rom. Lancaster: Palatine  2007
Talbot, R J 2010, Mr Goodwin, (Triangle Theatre), Leverhulme Trust Artist Fellowship, London. Touring Performance about Older People’s Sport and engagement with the London Olympics; plus article.

Review: Breitweiser, S ed. Simone Forti:Thinking with the Body New Theatre Quarterly Volume 32 - Issue 03 - June 2016
Talbot, R & Waterfield, C. (2016) National Trust Encounters Project: Encounters Trainers’ Handbook. Attingham: The National Trust, developed in partnership with Nicky Boden and Alison Minshall, West Midlands region.

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