Teddy and I play Hat Snap. Edited by Katie Arathoon
This is how it works: ... I put on a hat and then a different hat and then a different hat and then a different hat and then he puts on hat and if we’re both wearing the same hat at the same time then you say: Snap!
CD: Snap!
KZ: Ah yes! Yes this is it so you say 'Snap' so that’s the answer.
[Aside: What Kurt is doing here is working out the part that can be played by the participant. He shouts at the participant – the ‘visitor’ – because he thinks they cannot hear him across the screen. At the same moment he almost deafens Teddy .]
Here he comes!
I can wear this hat
I can wear this hat
I can wear this hat
I can wear this hat
I can wear this hat
I can wear this hat
This one’s pretty nice.
CD: Ah this one. Is nice.
TL: Oh hello!
CD laughs
It’s like painting !
TL: Aye aye Cap’n
TL: We’ll start the game.
KZ: We’re going to start the game now.
Black hat. Black hat
Brown hat. Brown hat
Beret. Beret
White hat?
I haven’t got the hat. I haven’t got the white hat.
Ok Ready 1-2-3
They high five against the screen.
[Aside: The game is like an incantation of nonsense. A poem made up of grunts and rhythms. The pleasure of understanding the pattern. Knowing what to say, while half the mind also tries to spot a chance coincidence. Celebrating the ability to nail it. Spot the difference. Or rather, post the sameness.]